Gonna Be Hard

October 20, 2012


All, Anger, Emotional, Resentful

Jo Vi

Don’t need another reason not to go home
All the feelings that I hold back
All the emotion that don’t come out
Well be a hard thing to contain

It’s gonna be hard to hold back everything I felt these past years
It’s gonna be hard to hold back everything I avoided these past years

Come tomorrow, I’m gonna have to try my best
Try my best to be nice and kind
Even when I resist being there
With every burden emotion & feeling
I will contain myself, for the sake of others

It’s gonna be hard to face these people I long forgot
It’s gonna be hard to tell them the truth about me

Tomorrow is too long to wait, but not long enough
Wish I could just jump on a bus and run again
But something has me thinking twice

It’s gonna be hard to hold back my true feeling
It’s gonna be hard to hold back why I’m even here

It’s not just another day, it’s a day that I wish that never came
Time is moving so slow, simply because it wants to torture me
The hours go by so slow, that everything is in slow motion
I try everything to make myself believe, that I belong

but ….
It’s hard to explain ….
Not a single day in my old life did I feel this is my family
But today, it doesn’t help with the way I feel

It’s gonna be hard to say I don’t love’em at all
It’s gonna be hard to mention I changed my name
It’s gonna be hard to telling I’m married and have kids
I wish I could just change how I felt
I wish I could make some adjustments
but no matter the reason
I’d still feel like I was left all alone with no one to understand the pain I felt
The moment my mom say goodbye I knew everything would change
I knew I would never be the same
I knew ….

It’s gonna be hard to face these people I long forgot
It’s gonna be hard to tell them the truth about me
It’s gonna be hard to hold back my true feeling
It’s gonna be hard to hold back why I’m even here
It’s gonna be hard to say I don’t love’em at all
It’s gonna be hard to mention I changed my name
It’s gonna be hard to telling I’m married and have kids

It’s gonna be hard for me to telling them these things
because they don’t understand me!
I don’t what to be here, nor do I wanna leave
A part of me is stuck here and the other is screaming to get out
It’s gonna be hard for me to just telling them I want out
It’s gonna be hard for me to be honest with myself
It’s gonna be hard for me to say I don’t need you now!

It’s gonna be hard but I have myself to thanks for facing this mess
Something that should’ve been done long ago
It’s gonna be hard but somewhere down the road
things will get better

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