Architects of Pieces of Jovi
First things that needs to be mentioned and noted. Pieces of Jovi used to be the following website urls/address and if you are here, you have found the right website. “JoviSix.com. Jovi-Sixx.com, JoviSix.net, JoviSixx.net, and JoviSixx.com” There were other names but they didn’t last and I hated them. Through the years the content remained the same but the look of the website has changed for the better. “JoviSixx and/or JoviSix” is a name used by others and that is what I disliked, so I made a decision to move away from that name and having something original that I can keep using for years, later.
“Pieces of Jovi” started as a personal writing blog for myself. A place I could express my feeling and whatever that was under my skin at the time. It is my way of dealing with boredom and a mind that overthinks a lot.
I am a very private person. The reason why I will not display my actual name. My chosen nickname Jovi is influenced by my name in some sort. This is where my online world begins and takes shape into being what it is today. The battle inside my head is never ending. My head monsters, inner demons need a place to be let loose, and this site is the ideal place. Without my head monster or inner demons, my creativeness to create a website and maintain it would’ve ended years ago along with help with friends I made over the years that are experienced in website developing, design and graphics.
Pieces of Jovi is still my personal online writing journal plus a few side projects I am working on and adding. This website is my way to stay sane and not letting my head monsters or inner demons affect my daily activities. To prevent my head from going down into the dark depressing cave that lurks.
My collection of writing from 2 and half decades. Most are some type of poetry or un-classified writings. Not all my writing are online, some remain in the journal, notebook or notepad there written in. Never to be displayed online. Enjoy the reading, if it interests you.
Behind the scene
The individuals that help to make this vision of mine, better and functional.

Owner, Designer, Developer
Jovi, who refuses to display her actual name, had been creative writing for the past 2 decades. Native Arizona born and Navajo, she had been fiddling with computer coding and developing since the early 2000s. Currently working as an JW Electrician in Phoenix, AZ and going back to college to get a degree in computer technology.

J. Reaper, Editor & Security Analysis
Reaper, who is named Jon, last name to be undisclosed. Has known Jovi since 2006 from online. Graduated from University of Texas in 2007 with a bachelors degree in Computer and Information Sciences. He is a freelance developer of security plugins and software for various companies, works out of Phoenix, Arizona.

M. Reeves, Editor & Developer
Reeves was a follower of the website years ago and has a minor in English Literature from Ohio State. He has a bachelors in Software Development, has a full time job as a software technician and playing in an alternative rock band in Phoenix. On his spare time, he writes songs, lyrics and poetry.

G. Roth, Photographer & Developer
Mr. Roth who is a professional photographer and has contributed a few photos to this website was also a follower. Lives and resides in Tucson, AZ. He is self-taught in web developing until he got a associates degree in computer information technology from Maricopa Community College and quite a few other certificates in python, javascript, basic html, css and many more.