Without You

October 22, 2018



Jo Vi

There’s not a day or time
When I recall, your present being gone
It seems like yesterday
When you call to say ‘I Love You!’
Tears are shedding because
I can’t stop thinking of you
Everything I do or go through and
you’re the one I wanna tell but you’re in heaven
It feels like I’m alone and you’re there
I looked to you, so much
That’s it feels like your there but you’re not
All these memories are so haunting
Who’s gonna be there for me
So I can stop crying
I can’t begin to let go
Since you’ve been gone
It feels like something in me is missing
I’ll never be whole
Until the day we meet again
It’s not fair I should feel this way
So much love and sadness
And I’m barely picking up the pieces
I’m gonna miss you forever and always
Nothing is gonna void this feeling
All the time in the world
But I can’t ever get you back
It’s gonna be a long hard road to face
Without you in my life
But I have to move on from this place
For the sake of my heart and mind
I’m gonna try and learn to live without you in my life

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